Sunday, August 7, 2016

Friday, July 22, 2016

If I Can Do It So Can You! How I Lost Weight.

I'm disabled and suffer from DDD (Degenerative Disk Disease), and Scoliosis. Needless to say, my back is messed up. I use a brace on my knee and sometimes I need to use a cane to walk but even with my disability I managed to do some exercise which consists mainly of stretches and walking. A little exercise and simple lifestyle choices is how I lost weight.

I've struggled losing weight for as long as I can remember. Nothing I tried worked. Two years ago I reached over 300 lbs in weight. I was going through a stage of depression which I'm sure was one of the reasons I was eating so much. On top of that, what I was eating wasn't the healthiest stuff other. 

* Cut Your Portions By Half
This was the hardest thing to do but I believe it's what helped the most and is the reason it's first on the list. Most of us over eat. By cutting your portions in half you will automatically be cutting your calories. Congratulations! By doing this simple step you've already lost calories which means less weight to work off. If you're still hungry after you've eaten half of what you normally eat, drink water and remind yourself that one eats to get nutrition not to feel full and remind yourself that your ass needs to lose weight. No eating after 7:00 pm. 

* Exercise  
Sad but true, yes you have to do some type of exercise. Remember, I'm disabled, I did it and so can you. I started by stretching out my arms and legs every morning. I did this and still do for about 15 mins. After my stretches I walk. At first, I started walking 10 minutes each morning. After about a week, I moved it up to 15 minutes, then 20 until now where I'm walking for an hour straight every morning. I started off at a real slow pace using my cane. I've since bought a treadmill which allows me to walk at a faster pace without the use of my cane. Best investment I ever made. I bought the treadmill new for $420 at Walmart but you can pick up a decent used one on Craigslist for less.

* Better Choices 
 Losing weight has a lot to do with the choices we make. First we have to choose to lose weight and stick to it. It's simple, choose in the morning to start it off with exercise. When you buy food or order food, choose wisely. Instead of red meat choose chicken. Quit putting mayo and salad dressing on everything and if you must, cut the amount by half. I stopped eating mayo and dairy products like milk and cheese. You can still eat pretty much whatever you want just don't over do it. Remember eat something but don't eat to get full. 

I have lost a lot of weight and still eat everything I want. You can do it to. Just remember that when you eat, you're not eating to feel full and exercise and try making better life choices on a daily basis. This will change your life and make you a happier person. It's a tough struggle, I know I've been there and I'm still struggling but I feel way better now and believe me, it's totally worth it!
Twitter's ✰DabStar420✰ @DabStar420
#RealTalk #DabStar420✰


Friday, July 15, 2016

Nice Going France

More than 80 people were killed by a Truck Terrorist in Nice, France. Photos and videos of the attack appeared along with many questions. The most suspicoius fact is the lack of a single shot on the driver's side of the truck's front-windshield. In France driving is on the right side of the road, so the steering wheel is on the left - just like in USA, Russia and the rest of EU, without UK. It is obvious much shots were done. Anyway it looks like the idea of the police was to keep the terrorist alive, as no shot is visible where steering wheel is.

Also very suspicious is why no one fired at tires. The truck would go nowhere without tires and only on rims.The terrorist attack hit about 1,5 miles along the shore. And no policeman managed to stop it? Generally we see many shots but the question is whether the police were just making fireworks to simulate a fight with the terrorist, or the French police must be the stupidest department in the world.
#SadButTrue #RealTalk #DabStar420✰

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Little Dog, Big Race!

 Little dog, big race! Join us for the #WienerNationals at the Los Alamitos Race Course this Saturday, July 16th. #wienerfam Learn more:

Trump or Clinton?

I don't know about you but I can't vote for neither of these two. I like Donald Trump but I don't believe he's presidential material. Hillary Clinton is corrupt and lies constantly. She's proven she can't be trusted and should be behind bars for perjury. 

The fact that these two are the nominees shows how bad things have gotten in America. The one real chance for change, or so we thought, was Bernie Sanders. He sold us out by rejecting the Green Party's ticket and not running as an independent. He's just another puppet for the establishment.

So, between Trump and Clinton, the only obvious choice for change between the two is Trump. But are we ready for this type of change? I disagree with a lot of what he says but the fact that the establishment fights him if not more than Bernie says a lot to me. 

There's also a Jill Stien. Option number three. I don't know much about her but I know she isn't Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. In the end, it doesn't matter who you cast your vote for. The system is rotten to the core and infested with career politicians and lobbyists. I've decided to stay home on Election Day.

#WakeUp #America #StayHome on #ElectionDay #vote #NobodyForPresident #SadButTrue #RealTalk #DabStar420✰

Term Limits For Congress

Our government has turned into the modern day mafia! Learn what we're doing. Volunteer to help get the career politicians out of Congress.
With the second option of Article 5, we can pass a Term Limits Amendment without Congress's approval! With this one amendment we destroy every long term relationship with lobbyists and provide a turnover rate that guarantees that they will never again control a majority in Congress! With this one amendment, we can guarantee that no person spends 30 or 40 years becoming more powerful and dictating how everyone else in his/her party must vote! Sign the petition! 
#TermLimits to get these #CareerPoliticians out of #Congress #SignThePetition #GetInvolved